It succeeded! I'm here on the other side of the world. New Zealand is a green land, full of fabulous, diverse views, the richness of nature. The country of my dreams has become my new home. I am now closer to merinos, where I continue to spread my passion for the art of wet felting and combining such amazing and natural materials as silk and wool into one unique fabric.
About 15 years ago in Poland I started my adventure with this technique called nunofelting and it became my passion. Maybe some of you know me and my works under the name "Aleja Sztuki" which means the "Avenue of art" or "MerinoSilk". Of course, such a distant journey to move was not easy and, unfortunately, for some time I was not so active with my handicrafts. I slowly develop everything again. I also decided to change the name to VESU, a short name, easy to remember and means so much :) but more on that in the next blog. (maybe some of you will guess what is hidden under this name? a prize awaits :)