Silk shawl with merino wool pink black and gray 4262
来自 290.00 NZD$
Silk shawl, New Zealand merino wool 4529
Silk shawl, unique creation 4559
Silver Fern, wall hanging
常规价格 95.00 NZD$
Simply addition of luxury, versatile scarf, Silk and wool painted shawl perfect for everyday or evening dress.
常规价格 145.00 NZD$
Soft nunofelted scarf Monarch Butterfly inspired by nature, amazing piece in wardrobe. Goes well with beige, black, t-shirt, jacket, dress.
常规价格 150.00 NZD$
Soft peacock feather from merino wool, scarf 3566
常规价格 290.00 NZD$
Soft wool and light silk, unique shawl 4485
Spatial wall art from merino wool 51 x 40 cm
常规价格 249.00 NZD$
Spring scarf with Little Blue and Orange Butterflies, soft, light, cozy, versatile shawl, Zizina and Tussock NZ common butterflies
Sunflower shawl, warm and soft merino wool, cozy neck wrap, a cape in a light grey and sunny yellow, unique gift
Sunny Wool and Silk Felted Scarf, versatile wearable art, unique gift from Sunny New Zealand 4629
常规价格 250.00 NZD$
Sunrise on the beach Waiake painting merino wool on a silk
常规价格 59.00 NZD$
Table Runners & Placemats Workshop
常规价格 210.00 NZD$
Tui bird feather; merino wool & silk scarf, ombre turquoise, neck warmer, incredible mothers gift, nuno felted wearable art, nature in art
常规价格 220.00 NZD$
Turquoise scarf in ocean colors, simple pattern, the addition to the dress, jacket, silk merino shawl in blue, versatile stole, warm cape
Turquoise silk shawl 4331
Turquoise silk shawl 4484
Unique clothing silk scarf 4408
常规价格 190.00 NZD$
Unique creation for romantic evening 4468